Betekenis van:
long division

long division
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • bepaalde manier v.e. deelsom opschrijven
  • the operation of division in which the sequence of steps are indicated in detail



  1. Indeed, a given year may not be representative of the average division between the two activities over the medium and long term.
  2. The Hungarian authorities confirmed that there are no joint-ventures and long-term marketing arrangements between IBIDEN and other companies in the ceramic division.
  3. Flexibility in the number of returning holdings per division should remain allowed, as long as the total number of the returning holdings of the Member State concerned is respected.
  4. Therefore, in determining the extent to which the state aid benefited the civil and the military activities, the Commission considers that the analysis cannot be limited to the division between civil and military production (i.e. the relative weight of each activity) in the year when the support was provided, but that it is necessary to calculate the average division between these two activities over a sufficiently long period.
  5. In order to determine to which extent a given State support benefited the civil and the military activities, the Commission therefore considers that the analysis must not be limited to the division between civil and military activities (i.e. the relative weight of each activity) in the year when the support was provided, but it is necessary to calculate the average division between these two activities over a sufficiently long period.
  6. The Commission is accordingly satisfied that the package of measures financed by the State‐guaranteed loan had effects that were primarily structural, being aimed at ensuring the long‐term profitability of the service provider division and of the company, and not merely at keeping the firm in operation until a restructuring plan was drawn up. Structural measures cannot be financed with rescue aid.
  7. The Commission is accordingly satisfied that the package of measures financed by the State‐guaranteed loan had effects that were primarily structural, being aimed at ensuring the long‐term profitability of the service provider division and of the company, and not merely at keeping the firm in operation until a restructuring plan was drawn up.